My Story When my dad first showed me the Corvair I didn't like it. When I turned 16 I started looking for vehicles that would be cool. I was looking at Camaros, Fieros, 914s, and VWs. I then realized how many people had Camaros at my school. That happened to be what I was leaning towards and the others where just ideas at that point. I then wanted something very different and felt that the 914 or VW Squareback would be the way to go. I knew that if I got a VW my Dads friends would harass me forever since they had tubbed 55 Chevys and Corvettes and Camaros. My dad showed me a pictures of his 65 Corsa he had back then and I suddenly liked the idea of one. I was 16 when I bought my first Corvair and it was a 65 Monza. I bought it without a drive train and I never got it running because something else was going to soon happen. I found a pair of Corsas. One was a rough 66 and the other was 65 that was in great shape. I am working on the 65 right now. I am now 18 and I have three Corvairs in my back yard (thanks mom) and have had a total of 4 so far. I wonder what my next will be, maybe a convertible?